Staying Grounded
The ripple effect.
Perhaps you have felt the impact of the atmospheric shifts around the world. The change in weather patterns, an increase in storms, and the unrest of people around you. These circumstances impact all of us and may cause people to feel off kilter.
Ground yourself.
It is important that you ground yourself so you can feel more balanced. Breathing will help you feel more present. Digging in the dirt or eating chocolate will also help you feel more connected. You can also perform meditative grounding techniques to feel better, keep your emotions in check, and become focused.
A technique.
Try this: In a standing position, inhale and feel the breath go through your body. As you exhale, imagine the energy flowing out the bottom of your feet and into the ground like roots of a tree. Inhale and feel the energy of the earth flow through these roots. Exhale and allow the roots to go deeper into the earth. Inhale and feel the energy come up through the roots, through your body, and exhale out the top of your head. Imagine this exhalation creating branches that reach to the sky. As you inhale and exhale again, the branches reach higher. Now, inhale the energy of the Universe in through the branches and allow it to intertwine with the earth energy in your body. Feel the energy in your body and your feet tight against the ground. Exhale any excess energy and proceed with your day.
Stay grounded as you move through each day.
HUGS -Paulie