Create Freedom

Changing an unwanted behavior can seem challenging. What causes a person to routinely over indulge? What makes a person being abused stay in that abusive situation? What causes someone to continue to repeat patterns that result in painful experiences?

Monkey See, Monkey Do

As children, we learn how to act and react by watching others and following directives. Many parents have the philosophy, "Do as I say, not as I do." The problem with this plan is that children learn by modeling. Can you remember a time when you were told to behave in a certain way, yet the person giving you this directive did the opposite?

Creatures of Habit

At a young age, we develop patterns for responding to certain circumstances. As we age, we automatically respond to similar situations without even thinking; early situations create a "trigger" that causes a predictable response and creates patterns. If you would like to change the outcome, you need to change how you respond.

Retrain Your Brain

It is possible to release old patterns. While a coaching session will help expedite the shift, you can also achieve success through persistence. Identify the pattern you wish to alter. Understand what it is about the pattern that you want to change and determine what the ideal experience would be like. Allow yourself to see, feel, and hear the experience as you would like it to be. By changing your perception of the situation you open the door to infinite possibilities and the opportunity for releasing old patterns.

Take control of your life and live it fully.


Perception is Reality


Ripple Effect