Ripple Effect

We think of the ripple effect when we drop a pebble into a pond and watch the ripples begin to spread. The flow seems to continue moving outward forever. You may be aware of how this works in the real world... your smile could save a someone’s life or at least make them feel better. We never know the impact we can have on the people around us by simply doing random acts of kindness.

Take this one step further

Just imagine... if you are the origin of this ripple, is it possible that it will find its way back to you? Would you rather be the recipient of positive or negative actions? Although everyone has bad days, when we find ourselves feeling down or when things are going in a less than positive manner, simply stop and reflect; ask yourself what you can learn from this situation. Are your thought patterns attracting certain situations to you? Is it possible you need to turn your thought patterns around? Or maybe it is just your lucky day and you need to curl up with a good book or watch a movie until things pass.

A couple of techniques I use when feeling "out of sorts"

Shake your hands or flick your fingers towards the ground and say/think, "Please release any feelings and emotions that are not mine." [We are like sponges, picking up the energy of those around us. If someone around you is in a bad mood, it is possible you have picked up their energy. Shake it off.]

Say/think, "Please release (describe the feeling) and send it to a higher place of good. Replace it with peace." As you exhale, feel the release. As you take a deep breath, breathe in the feeling of peace. [This works if you are truly ready to rid yourself of the negative feelings. I release frustration, anger, sadness, stress, and other feelings towards specific people and situations all the time so that I can feel more balanced.]

My hope is that these techniques will help you release icky emotions and feelings so you can send out ripples of positive experiences that will return to you. Remember, what goes around comes around; you will receive what you put out.

Create the life you desire by treating others the way you want to be treated.

HUGS -Paulie


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