Replenished or Depleted?
Most people have no intention of harming themselves; however, by continuing to interact with people, projects, and organizations that drag you down, that is exactly what you are doing. Stop and reflect upon how you spend your time each day. At the end of the day, do you feel replenished or depleted?
Who/What Fills You Up?
Begin by considering the many aspects of your life. Make a note of the people you encounter each day and ask yourself, "Does this person leave me feeling good or do they suck the energy right out of me?" Also take into consideration the projects and events you are working on and the organizations you belong to and ask yourself the same question. At one time, each of these components of your life probably fulfilled a purpose; however, if participation is now leaving you feeling drained, perhaps it is time to move on. As you reflect upon each area of your life, you will find people, activities, and organizations that make you feel wonderful. Consider staying connected to these sources of pleasure.
Letting Go Can Be Difficult
It is possible that as you reflect upon the aspects of your life that deplete you, considering letting them go may be difficult. If you do not feel loved or respected by a person or organization, ask yourself what is causing you to keep the connection? Walking away may hurt for awhile, but the pain will heal and you will find new friends and activities to fill the void.
Focus on Replenishing
In this fast-paced world we live in it is important to focus on replenishing yourself on a regular basis. Surround yourself with people and activities you enjoy. Focus your energy on giving yourself the love you deserve. Release what no longer serves you and replace it with what you know replenishes you.
Enjoy the feeling of being loved and appreciated. -Paulie