Change Can Be Challenging

The beginning of each year many people consider ways to change their lives for the better. We have the best intentions, yet often encounter set backs. Why?

No Pain No Change

You can change your habits and outcomes if you truly desire to alter your life. If you try to implement changes because someone else thinks you should, change is unlikely. Consider weight release. If someone tells you to lose weight it is unlikely you will be successful. If you want to release weight  because it will help you feel better, look better, and live healthier, you are more likely to release the extra pounds. However, if you are diagnosed with a life-threatening condition and told you need to release extra weight or chance loosing your life, you are most likely to release the weight. Change often occurs because the pain to retain status quo is too difficult.

Patient, Persistent, Consistent

Releasing old habits, relationships, and/or ways of life can feel awful to begin with. We become so entrenched in feeling poorly that when we begin to take control of our lives and make improvements, it can feel odd and even seem impossible. This is a reason people remain in abusive or hurtful relationships or continue to carry excess baggage in their lives. If you truly desire the outcome for your highest level of good, be patient, persistent and consistent.

Fill the Void

While some change can happen in an instant, it can take three-to-four weeks (or longer) for some changes to become a way of life. Imagine what it would be like to attend a meeting every Thursday morning for five years and then decide to stop participating in that activity. The first few weeks it will feel odd, but soon you will find ways to fill the void. Consider how long you have lived with your current patterns and know that you can fill the void if you truly want to, for the right reasons. Determine your desired outcome, identify ways to achieve this outcome, create consistent patterns, and be patient with yourself.

You can change your life for the better.

HUGS -Paulie


Just Breathe


Thoughts to Ponder