Learning From Others

You may have heard the sayings: "what you resist persists," "what goes around comes around," or "take a look in the mirror." Each of these sayings is focused upon helping you learn from others and grow. They have helped me become a better role model for my children and grandchildren.

What you resist persists

Perhaps you have been avoiding a painful conversation or putting off an unpleasant task. Often, this delay causes us to focus on these tasks even more.  Consider something you have been putting off. What is the real reason for delaying? What are you really trying to avoid? Once you identify the reason for resistance, ask yourself what the worst outcome could be? Then, decide how you would like things to go. If the actual outcome is someplace in between, would that be ok?

What goes around comes around

Have you ever wondered how some people can seem to get away with the unthinkable? The truth is, when people do things to hurt others or achieve gains at the expense of another, their wrong will be righted. Part of the challenge is that we are impatient. Often when someone hurts us, we want them to get "justice" now. If you lash out, you will attract that behavior unto yourself. If you can be patient and trust that the Universe will correct the balance, often the outcome is better than you could have ever plotted or accomplished on your own; this is karma at its finest.

Take a look in the mirror

When the behavior of someone bothers you, consider what it is that really bothers you and see if you can identify that or a similar trait in yourself. This could be an aspect of yourself that has room for improvement or perhaps a reminder of all the progress you have made. Either way, continuing to improve yourself will provide constant improvements in your life.

Live your life as if you are a role model for others, because you are.

HUGS -Paulie




Let it go, let it flow