Let it go, let it flow

Have you ever noticed when you let go of something that no longer serves you, it creates an opportunity for something new to come into your life? Letting go can be difficult; change can feel uncomfortable. If you find yourself in a relationship, job, or organization that is challenging, perhaps it is time to consider how to change the interaction or move on.

Time To Change

We continue doing what we have always done because we know what the outcome will be, like waves ebbing and flowing. We continue our involvement with people and organizations because we know what to expect, even if the interaction is undesirable. If you find yourself cringing when you think about seeing certain people or doing specific tasks, maybe it is time to change your interaction by breaking your patterns.

Breaking Patterns

If you know what you don't want, consider how you would like things to be. Imagine how you would like  communication to flow. Consider what tasks you enjoy and how you can make less desirable tasks more fun or interesting. Maybe it is time to shift what you do when, doing the unpleasant tasks first. When you alter your habits your life shifts. As you focus on bringing what you desire into your life, you may notice that the things you no longer enjoy will drift away... or you may see things in a different light.

Letting Go

To help you let go, consider the real impact this release will have on your life by identifying the outcome of your actions in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years. Let's say you are part of an organization that feels like it is more work that it is worth. If you choose to leave, how does the impact of this decision make you feel in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years. If you feel good, then the best decision is to let go. If you feel a void or remorse, perhaps it is time to reinvent your participation.

Shake things up; life is too short to live unhappily.

HUGS -Paulie


Learning From Others


No ‘nots’